Wouldhave Family Timeline
Year Local History Family History
1487 Henry VII stayed in Newcastle while investigating insurrectionists in the area 
1496 King James IV of Scotland invaded England to support the Yorkists who were attempting to overthrow Henry Tudor but the rebellion fails. 
1503 Margaret Tudor, the eldest daughter of Henry VII and who is due to marry the King of Scotland, stayed at Durham. She also visited Northallerton, Durham, Darlington, Newcastle, Morpeth and Alnwick. 
1513 The English under the Earl of Surrey defeated and killed King James IV of Scotland at the battle of Flodden Field in North Northumberland. The Scots losses were heavy including many of the nobility and clan chiefs. 
1533 Newcastle annexed Gateshead from the Bishop of Durham intending to create a new bishopric at Newcastle, with Nicholas Ridley as bishop. No further progress was made due to the death of Edward VI 
1536 The Pilgrimage of Grace, a Northern rebellion of Catholics against Henry VIII's anti-Catholic reforms took place with marches and demonstrations centred on various places in the north of England. 
1547 Henry VIII's ten-year-old son Edward was crowned King of England. He ruled under the protectorship of John Dudley, Earl of Warwick (later Duke of Northumberland). 
1553 Mary I, Roman Catholic daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, was crowned Queen of England. She was known as Bloody Mary for her ruthless persecution of Protestants. The Northumbrian-born Nicholas Ridley was one of many burnt at the stake in Oxfo 
1569 In 'The Rising of the North' the Nevilles of Durham and Percys of Northumberland were involved in the plot to overthrow Elizabeth I and reinstate Roman Catholicism. The rebels captured Durham but they were eventually defeated. Many were executed including 
1579 Plague is so bad at Newcastle that the Mayor wrote to Yarmouth warning ships not to visit Newcastle for coals. 
1588 1,726 die in Newcastle of plague 
1593 A member of the Lambton family is executed in Newcastle by order of Elizabeth I for being a catholic priest 
1597 Plague again ravaged the North East 
1606 King James I of England began the transport of the Border Reivers to Ireland. The Border Raids came to an end over the next few years. 
1610 The King ordered that part of Sunderland's revenues from exporting coal should be paid to Newcastle merchants 
1633 Charles I visited Newcastle in June on his way to Edinburgh to be crowned King of Scotland 
1635 Plague in Newcastle 1635-36 
1636 5,037 died of plague in Newcastle 
1639 Charles I visits on way to Scotland and put down rebellion against English Liturgy 
1640 Scottish soldiers take control of Newcastle and Town occupied by Scots - occupation lasted ten months 
1642 Civil war commenced with the Battle of Edge Hill 
1643 London banned ships from sailing for coal to Newcastle unless it supported the Parliamentarians 
1644 Siege of Newcastle by Scots, Sandgate set on fire as part of defensive tactics, Newcastle was Royalist in Civil War, Roundheads capture Newcastle 
1646 Charles I held prisoner in Newcastle 
1649 Cromwell visits Newcastle on way to and from Scotland.
Charles I executed and Commonwealth proclaimed
1660 Charles II acceeds the throne and start of the restoration 
1672  Thomas Wouldhave married Elizabeth Anderson in Newcastle, St John's.
1673 About 40 ships were destroyed during heavy seas and storms off the North east coast 
1675 A pestilent disease was responsible for the death of 924 people in Newcastle. It is called 'Jolly Rant'. 
1678  Thomas Wouldhave was born in Newcastle, St John's.
1681 Hospital of Holy Jesus for distressed Freemen founded 
1685 James II acceeds to the throne 
1686  Thomas Wouldhave died in Newcastle, St John's.
1688 People of Newcastle refuse to elect the king's nominees as mayor and sheriff, James II deposed and William of Orange becomes King 
1697 Northumberland MP Sir John Fenwick is beheaded for opposing William I 
1702 William III is killed after falling from a horse which was previously the property of Sir John Fenwick deceased. 
1703  Thomas Wouldhave married Mary Ellison in Newcastle, St Andrew's.
1704  Elizabeth Wouldhave was born in Newcastle, St Andrew's.
1709  Thomas Wouldhave was born and sadly passed away the same year in Newcastle, St Andrew's.
1711 First Newspaper for NewcastleWilliam Wouldhave came into the world in Newcastle, St Andrew's.
1713  Robert Wouldhave was born and sadly passed away the same year in Newcastle, St Andrew's.
1714  Richard Wouldhave came into the world in Newcastle, St Andrew's.
1715  Richard Wouldhave passed away in Newcastle, St Andrew's.
1716  Thomas Wouldhave came into the world in Newcastle, St Andrew's.
1717  James Wouldhave came into the world in Newcastle, St Andrew's.
Elizabeth Wouldhave died in Newcastle, St Andrew's.
1720  Elizabeth Heart was born.
1724 Daniel Dafoe visited Newcastle as part of his tour of EnglandMargreat Wouldhave came into the world in Newcastle, St Andrew's.
1732  Mary Ellison passed away.
1735  William Wouldhave married Elizabeth Daglish in Morpeth.
1740 Guildhall riots at Sandhill - urban conflict due to high prices of grain 
1741  William Wouldhave was born and sadly passed away the same year in Newcastle, All Saints.
1742 John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, preached at NewcastleRichard Wouldhave was born in Newcastle, All Saints.
1745 Newcastle declared for the House of Brunswick i.e. George II, many inhabitants left with their belongings in case of attackThomas Wouldhave was born in Newcastle, All Saints.
1747  Thomas Wouldhave died in Newcastle, All Saints.
Thomas Wouldhave married Elizabeth Heart in South Shields, St Hilda's.
Isabella Wouldhave was born and sadly passed away the same year in Newcastle, All Saints.
1748  William Wouldhave was born in Newcastle, All Saints.
1749  William Wouldhave passed away in Newcastle, All Saints.
1750  William Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1751  Margaret Wouldhave came into the world in Newcastle, All Saints.
Thomas Wouldhave died in Newcastle, All Saints.
1753  Luke John Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
Margaret Wouldhave died in Newcastle, All Saints.
1756  Mary Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1760 Bobby Shafto became MP for Durham 
1763  Charlotte Wouldhave was born and sadly passed away the same year in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1765 Storms killed 30 Keelmen on Tyneside 
1769  Charlotte Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
Jenny Wouldhave came into the world in Hull.
Richard Wouldhave married Mary Grey in Hull, Holy Trinity.
1771 Bridge destroyed in Great Flood, 1773 new bridge built, see death of Mary same dateEleanor Whately was born.
1772  Richard Wouldhave came into the world in Hull, St Mary's.
1774  Elizabeth Wouldhave was born in Hull.
1775  William Wouldhave got married in South Shields, St Hilda's.
1777  Mary Wouldhave was born in Hull.
1778  Mary Wouldhave died in Hull.
Thomas Wouldhave died in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1779 American privateer John Paul Jones bombed Alnmouth from his boat in support of American Independence 
1782  Elizabeth Wouldhave died in Hull.
1783  Jenny Wouldhave died in Hull.
Richard Wouldhave passed away in Hull.
1788  James Wouldhave died in Newcastle, St Nicholas'.
Peter Carr married Charlotte Wouldhave in Jarrow.
1793  Richard Wouldhave married Ann Whately in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1794  Richard Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1796  Ann Whately died.
Mason Wouldhave was born and sadly passed away the same year in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1798  Isabella Arkell was born.
1799  Richard Wouldhave married Eleanor Whately in Wallsend.
1802  William Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1803  William Wouldhave passed away in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
Elizabeth Heart passed away.
1805 George Stephenson started work at Killingworth Colliery 
1806  John Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1808  Jane Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1810 A proposal was put forward for a railway line between Stockton and DarlingtonMary Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1812 A major disaster happened at the colliery in Felling prompting calls for improvements to safety including a safety lamp. 
1813 Puffing Billy locomotive was developed at Wylam colliery 
1814 George Stephenson built his first locomotive, The Blucher, at Killingworth collieryEdward Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1815 The miners safety lamp was developed by Humphrey Davies and George StephensonEdward Wouldhave passed away in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1819  Anne Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
Richard Wouldhave married Isabella Arkell in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1821 The Stockton and Darlington Railway was given royal assentHannah Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
William Wouldhave passed away in South Shields.
1823 George Stephenson's son, Robert, establishes an engineering works in Newcastle 
1824  Isabella Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
John Wouldhave married Isabella Heslop in South Shields, St Hilda's.
1825 Richard Grainger starts building in NewcastleElizabeth Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1826  Richard Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1827  Jane Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth.
1830  Eleanor Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
Robert Richardson married Jane Wouldhave in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1832 Cholera in Newcastle, Richard Grainger begins building Grey StreetRichard Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1833 Tyneside was the centre of the nation's chemical works. The tallest chimney in England was constructed for the Alkali works at Gateshead 
1834  Jane Jackson came into the world.
1835 Newcastle to Carlisle railway opened 
1837  George Arkell Wouldhave came into the world in North Shields.
William Murray married Mary Wouldhave in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1838  Ann Webster was born.
Richard Wouldhave passed away in Tynemouth.
1839 John George Lambton, Earl of Durham becomes Goverbor General of Canada. 
1841 Emerson Bainbridge opened a general drapers store in Market Street, NewcastleEleanor Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth.
1844 Railway connection to LondonRichard Wouldhave died in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
Joseph Brand married Elizabeth Wouldhave in Tynemouth.
1847 Railway connection to EdinburghRichard Wouldhave married Isabella Jobes in Tynemouth.
1848 Cholera outbreak on Tyneside 
1849  Richard Wouldhave died in Tynemouth.
George Sanderson married Jane Wouldhave in Newcastle, Salem Chapel.
1850 High Level Bridge constructedEleanor Whately died.
1851 One fifth of the population of Tyneside was Irish according to the census data. Another fifth was Scottish. Most work in the shipyards 
1852  Richard Wouldhave married Jane Jackson in Newcastle, Salem Chapel.
1853 Cholera outbreak on TynesideJoseph Nicholson married Isabella Wouldhave in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
William Watt married Eleanor Wouldhave in Tynemouth.
1854 Great fire on Quayside, explosionMary Jane Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth.
1856  Richard Wouldhave was born in North Shields, Middle St Mission.
Mary Jane Wouldhave passed away in Tynemouth, Christchurch.
1858  Mary Ellen Wouldhave was born in North Shields, Middle St Mission.
Ellen Wells was born.
1860  Mary Ellen Wouldhave passed away in Tynemouth.
George Arkell Wouldhave married Phillis Robson in Newcastle.
1861  George Jackson Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth.
Hannah Isabella Wouldhave came into the world in North Shields, Middle St Mission.
1862 The Blaydon Races was first sung at Balmbra's Music Hall by Geordie RidleyAnne Wouldhave died in Tynemouth.
1864  Elizabeth Ann Wouldhave came into the world in South Shields.
David Chambers married Eleanor Wouldhave in Tynemouth.
1865  Ann Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth.
1866  George Jackson Wouldhave died in Tynemouth.
Jane Jackson passed away.
1867  Georgina Wouldhave came into the world in North Shields, Middle St Mission.
1868  Richard Wouldhave married Ann Webster in Tynemouth.
1869  Isabella Wouldhave was born in North Shields, Middle St Mission.
1870  Margaret Jane Wouldhave was born in North Shields.
1871 Northern engineers went on strike, Armstrong and Hawthorns works are badly affected but Robert Stephenson's works were not. 
1872  Sarah Ellen Ibbs was born.
Isabella Wouldhave died in Tynemouth.
1873 Newcastle Leazes Park is openedWilliam Robson Wouldhave was born in South Shields.
1875  Richard Wouldhave married Ellen Wells in Tynemouth.
1876 The Swing Bridge at Newcastle was opened. Designed by Armstrong, it replaced the stone bridge of 1761. It allowed ships to move in the Tyne more freelyThomas Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth.
1877  John Wouldhave passed away in Tynemouth.
1878 The Hancock Natural History Museum opened and Joseph Swan developed a successful incandescent electric lampTom Willie Wouldhave was born and sadly passed away the same year in Tynemouth.
1879  Mary Jane Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth.
John George Wouldhave was born in South Shields.
Isabella Arkell passed away.
1880 William Armstrong used Swan's lamps for his home at Cragside in Northumberland - the first house in the country to be lit by electricity, using hydroelectricity.Helen Lauder was born.
Isabella Wouldhave was born and sadly passed away the same year in South Shields.
1881 The first light bulb factory in the world opened at Benwell to manufacture Jopseph Swan's lamps. Although Thomas Edison also claimed to have invented the electric lamp it was shown that both men had the same idea at the same time.Richard Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth.
1883 The Eddison-Swan United Electric Light Company is formed, and elecric works were opened at Portland Road, Newcastle. Lord Armstrong gave Jesmond Dene to the new city of NewcastleFrances Quinn came into the world.
Eleanor Jane Wouldhave was born in South Shields.
1884 Charles Parsons patened the first Steam Turbine on Tyneside while working as a junior partner in the firm of Clarke ChapmanEleanor Parks Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth.
Thomas Giddes Morpeth married Elizabeth Ann Wouldhave in Jarrow, St Peter's.
1885  Andrewina Watkins was born.
Elizabeth Ann Montgomery came into the world.
Campbell Watson Bannerman married Ann Wouldhave in Tynemouth.
1888  John Valient B Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth.
Isabella Heslop passed away.
1889 Charles Parsons opened his own works at Heaton to manufacture steam turbinesThomas Frederick Crowther married Hannah Isabella Wouldhave in South Shields.
Patrick Hely married Margaret Jane Wouldhave in South Shields.
1890 The Forth Banks Power Station started operationWilliam Stanley Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth.
1891  George Jackson Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth.
1892 Newcastle United football team was formed uniting Newcastle West and East End clubs.Hannah Wouldhave died in Newcastle.
James Francis Crowther married Georgina Wouldhave in South Shields.
1893 The Dunston Coal Staithes commenced operation for the North Eastern Railways for transporting coal by rail 
1895  Campbell Bannerrman Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth.
1896 The first women students were admitted to Durham University, which included Kings College at Newcastle 
1897 Armstrong Whitworths is established on Tynesdie, the company would achieve prominence in weapon manufactureHilda Victoria Wouldhave came into the world in Jarrow, St Peter's.
Josephine Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth.
Campbell Bannerrman Wouldhave died in Tynemouth.
William Robson Wouldhave married Sarah Ellen Ibbs in South Shields.
1899  Thomas Wouldhave married Helen Lauder in Tynemouth.
1900 The world's first pursuit of a criminal by a motor car took plavce at Newcastle. A car was borrowed by a policeman to chase a drunken horse-rider. The chase lasted for one mile.Phyllis Mary Wouldhave came into the world in South Shields.
William Stanley Wouldhave passed away.
1901 Robert Stephenson moved his locomotive works to Darlington from Newcastle to gain more space for expansionHelen Lauder Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth.
Adelaide Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth.
1902  Alexander Leonard Roberts married Mary Jane Wouldhave in Tynemouth.
1903 A smallpox epidemic hit Newcastle 
1904  Gladys Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth.
Alfred Earnest Anderson married Eleanor Parks Wouldhave in Tynemouth.
1905  Elizabeth A Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth.
Richard Wouldhave married Elizabeth Ann Montgomery in Tynemouth.
1906  Richard Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth.
Gladys Ena Wouldhave was born in Jarrow,St Mark's.
George Alexander Stock married Eleanor Jane Wouldhave in Jarrow,St Mark's.
1907  Richard Wouldhave passed away in Darlington.
1908  George Arkell Wouldhave passed away in South Shields.
1909 Engalnd's first Labour County Council assembled at Shire Hall in Durham. The Council was led by Peter LeeHilda Smith came into the world.
Williamina Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth.
1911 The census showed that 200,000 men were employed in Mining in Northumberland and Durham coalfields 
1912 WT Stead, former editor of the Northern Echo and social reformer, died on board the Titanic 
1913 Emily Davidson from near Morpeth was killed when campaigning for woman's rights at the Derby 
1914 Wart broke out in Europe, battleships bombarded Whitby, Scarborough and Hartlepool 
1915  William Wouldhave was born in South Shields.
John George Wouldhave married Frances Quinn in Tynemouth.
George Jackson Wouldhave married Nancy Mathewson in Tynemouth.
1916 An agreement was made with the Belgian government to enable Belgian workers to make armaments in a factory at Birtley. A Belgian village was established there complete with Belgian shops, school, church and Belgian street-names. 
1917  Phillis Robson passed away.
Edward Robson married Josephine Wouldhave in Tynemouth.
1918 Armistice was declaredJohn Valient B Wouldhave married Andrewina Watkins in South Shields.
1919  Frank Flett married Adelaide Wouldhave in Tynemouth.
1923 The first ammonia making plant Britain was set up Brunner-Mond at Billingham. This later becomes part of ICIWilliam Robson Wouldhave passed away in Jarrow,St Mark's.
1926 The General Strike brought industrial activity to a halt. Male employment throughout the North East was particularly high compared to the average across the countryHerbert Jackson married Elizabeth A Wouldhave in Tynemouth.
1927  Alfred E Crowther married Phyllis Mary Wouldhave in South Shields.
John W Wilkinson married Helen Lauder Wouldhave in Tynemouth.
1928 The Tyne Bridge was completed and opened by George VSydney Harrison married Hilda Victoria Wouldhave in South Shields.
Lesley W Everrett married Gladys Ena Wouldhave in South Shields.
1929  Robert Todd married Gladys Wouldhave in Tynemouth.
1930 The closure of 19 shipyards in the region contributed to heavy unemployment in the region. Further closures over the next few years contribute to the recessionJames Ross married Williamina Wouldhave in Tynemouth.
1932  Richard Wouldhave married Hilda Smith in Tynemouth.
1933  Richard Wouldhave was born in Tynemouth.
1935  Richard Wouldhave passed away in South Shields.
1936 The Jarrow March. Two hundred unemloyed men marched 274 miles from Jarrow to London to protest about the recession 
1937 A regular ferry line was set up by Bergen lines between the Tyne and Bergen and Oslo. There were now 15 cinemas in Newcastle 
1938  William Wouldhave married Margaret Stepehenson in Durham.
1939 Britain was declared at war with Germany. The industrial areas of Tyneside were particular targets during the war. There were 298 air raids on the NorthDerek Wouldhave came into the world in Northumberland.
1944 D Day and the invasion of Normandy started the final stages of the war 
1945 During the war shipbuilding increased and this led to widespread employment in the region 
1947 The coal mines of Great Britain were nationalised under the National Coal BoardAlan Wouldhave was born and sadly passed away the same year in Tynemouth.
1952  John George Wouldhave passed away in Durham.
1956  Richard Wouldhave married Sylvia Latimer in Tynemouth.
1957  Colin R Wouldhave came into the world in Tynemouth.
1959 Tyne Tees Television started broadcasting to the region 
1960 T Dan Smith started his four year term as leader of Newcastle City Council. He began by demolishing slums and redesigning the city including the Eldon Square shopping complex. His career ended in dishonour in 1974 when he was jailed for six years for corrThomas Wouldhave passed away in Northumberland.
1961  Steven Wouldhave came into the world in Northumberland.
John Valient B Wouldhave died in South Shields.
Derek Wouldhave married Hilda K Burley in Northumberland.
1963 A third of Britain's railway tracks are ordered to be dismantled as a result of the Beeching report. 95 stations and halts in the North East were closed, The construction of new towns started, Cramlington, Killingworth and WashingtonKim Wouldhave came into the world in Northumberland.
1964  Paul Wouldhave was born in Northumberland.
1965  Richard Wouldhave died in South Shields.
1967 The Tyne Tunnel (Road) was officially opened by Her Majesty the QueenGillian Marina Wouldhave came into the world in Northumberland.
George Jackson Wouldhave passed away in Tynemouth.
1970 The North of England Open Air Museum at Beamish openedSimon Wouldhave was born in Northumberland.
1974 Tyne and Wear was created as a county as part of the local government reforms 
1980 The Tyneside Metro opened 
1982  Brian Watson married Kim Wouldhave in Northumberland.
1983  Colin R Wouldhave married Lesley Hay in North Tyneside.
1984 Miners Strike across the countryNatalie Wouldhave came into the world in North Tyneside.
1986  Matthew Wouldhave came into the world in North Tyneside.
Paul Wouldhave married Gale French in Northumberland.
1987  Steven Wouldhave married Kim Giles in North Tyneside.
1990 National Garden Festival at Gateshead, including the Dunston Coal Staithes, reputedly the worlds largest wooden structure, helped to bring development to the areaBenjamin Robert Wouldhave was born in Beverley.
Stuart J Walker married Gillian Marina Wouldhave in North Tyneside.
1992  Sophie Louise Wouldhave came into the world in North Tyneside.
Ashleigh Kay Wouldhave came into the world in Beverley.
1994  Amy Charlotte Wouldhave came into the world in North Tyneside.
Richard Wouldhave died in North Tyneside.
1998 The Angel of the North statue is erected 
2003  Dylan James Wouldhave was born in North Tyneside.